The Institute for Electronics Engineering (LTE) of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) is member of the Technical Faculty and embedded in the Department of Electrical Engineering (EEI). With its about 70 staff members LTE is comparable to a small enterprise.
In its field of activity LTE covers in research and education the field of electronics engineering, i.e. the field of hardware-oriented electronics, which is of central importance for the EEI-department. LTE is engaged along the value added chain from electronic technologies via components and modules and monolithic- and hybrid-integrated circuits all the way up to algorithms and electronic systems. Hereby, LTE always combines fundamental theory and techniques with their application-specific practical aspects. LTE offers all necessary design tools as well as all needed experimental characterization labs in the frequency range from DC to 320 GHz. The research of leading edge technologies is done in cooperation with industrial partners.
In its research LTE focuses on future-oriented areas and is looking out for a high international level of its research output; and in its education activities LTE is concentrating on a solid, fundamental engineering education with the superior aim of a sustainable preparation for the entire future dynamic professional life.