
The CircuiTikZ package for the graphical drawing of circuits was largely developed at the Chair of Technical Electronics. In recent years, CircuiTikZ has become the quasi-standard for documenting circuits in Latex. In recent months, intensive work has been carried out on a new graphical user inte...

Category: General

Several open source applications for the CircuiTikZ project have been developed at the Instititue for Electronics Engineering in the course of several research projects. These helpful applications extend the well-known CircuiTikZ project and offer a simplified and accelerated way of drawing circuits...

Category: General

As part of the Analog Electronic Systems course, an excursion to Rohde & Schwarz in Munich was offered on Tuesday, 16.01.2024. The program included an informative tour of the showroom, in which the business areas were presented using products. The thematic focus was on insights into ASIC deve...

Category: General

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding a new Research Training Group at FAU. The research training group entitled "Synthetic Molecular Communications Across Different Scales: From Theory to Experiments", SyMoCADS for short, is being run by the Institute for Electronics Engineering (LTE) in ...

Category: General

On 23.11.2023, Dr. Kathrina Kolb was awarded the VDE Bayern Award 2023 for her dissertation entitled "Highly integrated millimetre wave front-ends for beamsteering applications in 5G repeater systems". Congratulations on this great honour!

Category: Award

Dr. Isabella Lau was awarded the Dr. Wilhelmy VDE Dissertation Prize for her dissertation entitled "Minimisation of systematic measurement errors of direct and indirect measurement methods for high-frequency extraction of the complex permittivity of solids" (supervised by Prof. Weigel). The award...

Category: Award

The Institute for Electronics Engineering was represented at the 11th "Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften" on 21.10.2023. Exciting experiments and current research results were presented to the numerous visitors. Our chair was represented with several experimental setups: Radar measurement Ve...

Category: General

Ms. Angelika Thalmayer won second place at this year's BMT2023 in Duisburg in the Joint Student Competition for her paper "Innovative Hybrid Halbach Array for Steering Magnetic Nanoparticles Through a Bifurcation" Congratulations!

Category: Award

Shubhangi Bhadauria's PhD examination took place on 22 Sept 2023. She was a former CME student at FAU and did research at FhG IIS on machine learning techniques for radio resource management of mobile phone-based vehicle-to-vehicle communication around autonomous driving. Her supervising professor w...

Category: PhD