
Prof. Weigel is honored with an outstanding award: he receives the 1st Class Cross of Merit of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. As one of the world's leading scientists in the field of technical electronics, he makes an outstanding contribution to the country's scientific pr...

Category: Award, General

On 29.04.2022 Fabian Michler successfully completed his PhD with the topic "Continuous wave radar for non-contact detection of human vital parameters in the 24 GHz ISM band". He workes at LTE in the Circuits, Systems & Hardware Test group and now successfully completed his doctorate under Prof. ...

Category: PhD

On 15.03.2022 Isabella Lau successfully completed her PhD with the topic "Minimization of Systematic Measurement Errors of Direct and Indirect Measuring Methods for High-Frequency Extraction of the Complex Permittivity of Solids ". She workes at LTE in the Circuits, Systems & Hardware Test group...

Category: PhD

On 03.02.2022, Dr.-Ing. Doaa Ahmed very successfully completed her PhD examination with the topic "Detection of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Fluid Flow for Molecular Communication Applications: Analysis, Simulation, Experimentation and Design Guidelines". She worked at LTE in the Me...

Category: PhD

Andreas Depold has won the RWW 2022 Student Paper Contest in Las Vegas for his publication "A Light-Weight 3×3 Switched Polarity URA Antenna and Receive System for Direction Finding". The system described in the publication serves to be assembled to a drone and was developed as part of the BMBF proj...

Category: General

In September 2019, the research project 5G Connected Sport started under the funding of the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy, which has now been successfully completed. The Institute for Electronics Engineering (LTE) represented FAU in the consortium along...

Category: Research

On 13.12.2021 Kilin Shi successfully completed his PhD with the topic "Contactless Measurement of Heart Rate Variability". He was working at LTE from 2017 and now successfully completed his doctorate under Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. habil. Robert Weigel. We congratulate sincerely and wish him all the b...

Category: PhD

On October 27th, 2021, the Central Institute of Medical Engineering (ZiMT) organized the FAU-Networking Night Medical Engineering. Interested researchers and students as well as industry partners from the field of medical engineering and related fields took part in the poster exhibition. This gave t...

Category: General

On 28.09.2021 Niklas Duda successfully completed his PhD with the topic "Resource-Limited Mobile Sensor Nodes with Vital Parameter Sensor Technology and Contact Detection". He was working at LTE from 2017 to 2020 and now successfully completed his doctorate under Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Alexander Kölp...

Category: PhD

Congratulations to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Amelie Hagelauer for winning the 2021 IEEE UFFC Early Career Investigator Award! Prof. Hagelauer graduated at LTE in 2007 with her diploma thesis. In 2013, she received her PhD at LTE and subsequently worked as a group leader and postdoctoral researcher at the ch...

Category: Award