All good things come in fours. For the second year in a row, the Institute for Electronics Engineering receives the Young Scientist Award of the "Kleinheubacher Tagung" twice: This time it goes to Angelika Thalmayer and Samuel Zeising (both from Team MEMPS). In addition, Angelika took first place an...
On 28.07.2021 Martin Frank successfully completed his PhD with the topic "Static and Electronically Configurable Transmittarray Antennas for ISM Applications". He was working at LTE from 2015 and now successfully completed his doctorate under Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. habil. Robert Weigel. We congratu...
On 27.07.2021 Benedict Scheiner successfully completed his PhD with the topic "Miniaturized Six-Port Based Frequency Measurement System for ISM-Applications". He was working at LTE from 2017 and now successfully completed his doctorate under Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. habil. Robert Weigel. We congratul...
On 07.06.2021, Dr.-Ing. Christoph Will successfully completed his PhD with the topic "Algorithm Design for Compensating Non-Idealities in Six-Port Microwave Interferometers and for Radar Signal Analysis in Medical and Industrial Applications" at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH).
On April 19, 2021, Timo Mai very successfully completed his doctoral thesis on "A Real-Time Capable and Configurable Analog Front-End for SAR-ADCs". The celebration had to take place mostly digitally according to contact restrictions. We congratulate Timo and thank him for his long-time engagement a...
A new booking system for the student rooms of LTE is now available, which can be used for convenient booking of time slots for the limited number of available workplaces. This replaces the previous system, booking is no longer done by the supervisor, but can be performed by students on their own. Th...
A Young Scientist Award by the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) Germany was awarded to Andreas Depold for his contribution "A 10 kHz to 6 GHz Low-Cost Vector Network Analyzer" at Kleinheubacher Tagung 2020.
The award comes along with a certificate and a grant of 300€.
A Young Scientist Award by URSI was awarded to Samuel Zeising for his contribution „Novel Differential Magnetic Localization Method for Capsule Endoscopy to
Prevent Interference Caused by the Geomagnetic Field" at Kleinheubacher Tagung 2020.
The award comes along with a certificate and a grant...
On May 29, 2020, Erick Aguilar Mendoza was able to successfully complete his doctorate on „Highly-Integrated D-Band Millimeter-Wave Circuits and Systems for Imaging and Radar Applications/ Hochintegrierte D-Band-Millimeterwellen Schaltungen und Systeme für Bildgebungs- und Radar-Anwendungen“. We wis...
On May 29, 2020, Radu Ciocoveanu successfully completed his doctoral thesis on „Highly Integrated Millimieter-Wave CMOS Transceiver Frontend-Circuits for Radar and Communication Systems/ Hochintegrierte Millimeterwellen-CMOS-Frontendschaltungen für Radar und Kommunikationssysteme“. We congratulate a...